DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s. has implemented an Integrated Management System divided into:
Integrated Management System is certificated according to valid standards – Quality ISO 9001: 2015, Environmental Management ISO 14001: 2015 and Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001: 2018 with the subject of certification: project work and consulting services, engineering activity and property settlement for transport, engineering, land, underground and water management structures, geotechnical and environmental projects and construction supervision.
DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s. Bratislava is a member of BIM Association Slovakia from the year 2019. BIM Association Slovakia is a non-profit organization dedicated to applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in professional practice at the level of all participants if the design and construction process throughout the building’s whole lifecycle.
DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s. uses BIM technology to support design work at all stages of project documentation to ensure higher quality projects themselves. BIM technology helps to increase efficiency and reduce risks in the process of preparing project documentation. The indisputable advantage of this technology is the elimination of problems in coordinating the design and better availability of information to all participants in the process of preparing documentation for complex construction projects.
The Code of Ethics formulates generally accepted ethical principles and rules of conduct, their application and adherence in accordance with the object of business and values of DOPRAVOPROJEKT a.s., in relation towards the society, customers and business partners as well as to the competitors.
DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s., as a leader in the domestic market of projecting and consulting services especially in the field of transport construction, is focused on consistently confirming this position and be the desired company for providing multidisciplinary services on the Slovak and European markets. The mission of the company is to provide services at a highly professional level with an emphasis on ethics of conduct, social and environmental responsibility. The company is committed to continue to create a motivating work environment for employees, to attract and educate professionals that provide professional customer service, thus ensuring the continued prosperity of the company and its further development. To evaluate the company’s assets and satisfy shareholders’ expectations by increasing the prosperity of the company. In a broader context, the company strives to continuously contribute to the development of the profession and its greater social recognition.
DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s. is interested in developing positive relationships in society, with customers and business partners. Emphasis is placed on refraining from engaging in any actions that would be against the legal regulations, professional standards and ethical principles to prevent the occurrence of risks of criminal liability in all actions of the responsible persons, employees and partners of the company.
The aim is the continuous optimization and compliance of the company’s activities and processes with both internal and generally binding legal regulations, standards, rules and ethical principles in order to eliminate risks and financial losses.
Commitment to refrain from conduct that may be contrary to ethics and to act ethically is one of the most important principles of functioning and keeping the good reputation of DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s.. and individuals.
Award of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic for the construction work with the greatest ecological and spatial benefit awarded in the 10th year of the national public contest Building of the Year 2004
European Steel Structures Award awarded by the European Steel Structures Association
American Society of Civil Engineers Award OPAL Award 2006 (OCEA AWARD of Merit)
Main Prize and the title Building of the Year 2006 awarded at the 12th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2006
Prize of the Mayor of the Capital City of Bratislava awarded as part of the 12th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2006
Prize of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers for a distinctive architectural design of building components awarded during the 12th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2006
Slovak National FIB Award for best concrete structure 2002 – 2006
Slovak Association of Building Engineers Award – Engineering Building of the Year 2006 awarded as part of the 12th year national public competition Building of the Year 2006
Slovak National FIB Award for best concrete structure 2002-2006; for the extraordinary aesthetic design and quality of execution of the work
Prize of the Technical and Testing Institute, n. o., for the optimal use of progressive building materials, products, or systems, awarded as part of the 13th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2007.
Main Prize and the title “Building of the Year 2008” awarded during the 14th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2008
Prize of the Mayor of the Capital of the Slovak Republic awarded as part of the 14th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2008
Award of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers for the best design solution, awarded as part of the 14th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2008
Main Prize and “Buildings of the Year 2010” at the 16th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2010
Prize of the Minister of Economy and Construction of the Slovak Republic awarded as part of the 16th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2010
Prize of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava for the application of research and technology in the implementation of the construction work awarded as part of the 16th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2010
Honorable mention of the Chairman of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers to DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s. on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the founding of the company for significant design activity and contribution to the Slovak construction industry
Prize of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic awarded within the framework of the 22nd year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2016
Prize of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers awarded at the 23rd year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2017
The main prize and the title “Building of the Year 2017” awarded at the 23rd year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2017
Prize of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic awarded at the 23rd year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2017
Slovak National Committee of the fib Prize for innovative approach to design and implementation of Dubná Skala Bridge structure awarded at the conference Concrete in Slovakia 2014-2018
Commemorative Medal on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the SNK fib awarded by the Slovak National Committee of the fib for long-term and significant cooperation at the conference Concrete in Slovakia 2014-2018
Prize of the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers awarded at the 24th year of the national public competition Building of the Year 2018
Construction Industry Quality Award in the category “Transport Structures”, Budapest.