State road no. 18 Žilina – Kraľovany, section Ratkovo – Kraľovany
State road Žilina – Jablunkov, section Čadca – Jablunkov
Bridge no. 3 across the River Hornád in Krásna nad Hornádom
A detailed design of the bridge over the River Malý Dunaj in Bratislava
Detailed project of the bridge over the River Rajčianka near Lietavská Lúčka on the state road Žilina – Rajec
Bridge no. 3 across the River Váh on the Malužiná – Boca state road; volumetric sketch
Bridge no. 179 across the creek Jakubovianka in Stará Ľubovňa
Bridge no. 136 across the River Hron near the village of Bzenica, district Nová Baňa
Detailed project of bridge no. 50 across the River Hron and an overpass near Lučatín