Highway D1 Dubna Skala – Turany, DRS, DSRS, DZSD, TDP
Highway D1 Prešov west – Prešov south, DP, DRS
Highway D1 Senec – Blatné, intersection Blatné, DSP, DP,
Highway D1 Hričovské podhradie – Lietavská Lúčka, FTP, DZSD, DRS, TDP,
Highway D1 Hubová – Ivachnová, FTP, DZSD, DRS, DSRS
Highway D1 Turany – Hubová, update of technical solution of highway, comparative study, environmental impact of the construction
D3 highway Žilina (Strážov) – Žilina (Brodno), DSP, FTP, DRS, DSRS
D3 highway Svrčinovec – Skalité, FTP, DZSD, DRS
Highway D4 Bratislava, Jarovce – Ivanka north, DUR, DSZ
Highway D4 Bratislava, Ivanka north – Rača, DUR, DSZ
Highway D4 Bratislava, Jarovce – Rača, DSZ, DSP
Highway feeder Nová Polhora, DRS, DSRS
Expressway R1 Banská Bystrica – Ružomberok, ŠR
Expressway R2 Zvolen east – Pstruša, DVP, DSRS
Expressway R2 Pstruša – Kriváň, DVP, TDP, DSRS
Expressway R2 Kriváň – Lovinobaňa – Tomášovce, DSP, DP
Expressway R4 Košice – Milhosť, rest area, DSZ, DUR
Expressway R7 Bratislava – Dunajská – Lužná, DSP
Road I/72 Zbojské mountain pass – Tisovec, Čertova dolina, DSRS
Road I/77 Bardejov, southwest, DVP, DSRS
Road I/65 Kremnica – Kremnické Bane, update of PD, DP
Elaboration of selected project documentation for DARWIN PROJECT – preparation of a strategic park Nitra, DSP
ŽSR, Integrated Passenger Terminals in Bratislava; section Devínska Nová Ves – Bratislava Central Station – Podunajské Biskupice, DÚR
ŽSR, Electrification of Bánovce nad Ondavou – Humenné; DSZ
Technical-sanitary maintenance of rolling stock, project preparation part II of OV Nové Zámky, repair hall for EU trains, DÚR, DSZ, DSP
Modernization of tram depot DPMK Košice, DÚR, DSPRS
Park and travel parking lots for Integrated Transport System BOD in traffic points Zohor, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Nové Košariská, Pezinok, DÚR
Construction of a new road bridge across the Danube between Komárno and Komárom, ŠR, DSP, DP, DRS, IČ, MPV
Bridge for pedestrians and cyclists Dobrohošť – Dunakiliti, DSP
BCD Hangar Reconstruction, M.R. Štefánik Airport Bratislava, Study
Highway D1 Fričovce – Svinia, SD
Water supply and drainage of municipalities in the microregion Bodva, SD
ŽSR, Modernization of the railway line Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov, km 100.500-159.100 for the train speeds of up to 160 km/h. stage IV. and V – section Trenčianska Teplá – Ilava – Beluša, SD
Intensification of wastewater treatment plant, drainage, and drinking water supply in Trenčín region, SD
Water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment plant Bytča District, SD