

Major projects

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Highway D1 Košice – Michalovce; study

Highway D1 study of a set of structures on the section Ivachnová – Hybe

Highway D61 Senec – Trnava; project task

ČSAD bus stations: Stará Turá, Zlaté Moravce, Komárno, Šamorín, Žilina, Bratislava, Dunajská Streda, Bytča

Reconstruction of Pražská and Brnianská Streets in Bratislava

Relocation of state road I/53 Banská Bystrica – Kostiviarská

Bridge over the River Váh in Šala

Relocation of state road I/51 in the section Báb – Kynek

Construction of state road I/51 Kynek – Nitra; 1st and 2nd section


Highway D1 Chminianska Nová Ves – Košice; study

Tram depot DPMB Dúbravka, Bratislava

Central maintenance workshops of Povodie Dunaja, Bratislava

Shipyard for ČSPD Bratislava

ČSAD depots: Nove Mesto nad Váhom, Detva, Poprad, Ilava, Trenčín, Senec, Rajec, Partizánske, Čadca

Highway D1 Ivachnová – Liptovský Mikuláš


State road I/11 and I/18 across Žilina

Overpasses over a highway on field, forest, and special purpose roads KD/70; types

Highway D1 Liptovský Mikuláš – Liptovský Hrádok

Highway D1 ČSR border – Poprad; study

Highway D1 Poprad – Chminianska Nova Ves; study

Car service stations for motorists Zvolen, Banska Bystrica, Michalovce, Komárno

Bratislava, intersection Centrálne trhovisko [Central Marketplace]

Bratislava, pedestrian underpass Centrálne trhovisko

Passenger ships port in Prague

Reconstruction of Malinovského Street (now Šancová Street) and Steinerova Street (now Krížna Street) in Bratislava


Bridge over the River Váh on state road no. II/574 in the Pruské – Ilava section

Construction of highway bridges 21.0 and 30.0 m long from prefabricated components I-67; load carrying capacity calculation

Construction of highway bridges with span width of 9 – 12 – 15 – 18 – 21 from prefabricated components KA-61, addition to TP; load carrying capacity calculation

Road bridges 24.0 – 30.0 m long, from prefabricated components I-62; load carrying capacity calculation

Highway D1 Bratislava – Trenčín; construction Bratislava – Senec

Highway Prague – Brno – Bratislava; construction Malacky – Bratislava (Lamač)

Highway D2 Prague – Brno – Bratislava; construction Kúty – Malacky

Sample sheets for highway – road culverts