Type Directive “Catalog of Road Surfaces on Local Roads”
Type Directive “Equipment of Bridges and Components of Bearing Structures of Bridges” (Bridge Accessories)
Type Study “Designing Over/Underpass Pedestrian Crossings”
State road I/50 in the section Jalná – Hronská Breznica
Reconstruction of state road I/18 Bytča – Hlboké
Highway D1 Prešov-south – Prešov west
Highway D 61 (today D1) Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Chocholná-Velčice
General transport plan for cities: Liptovský Mikuláš, Poprad, Žilina
Trolleybus line Prešov – Sekčov
State road I/68 in Košice: intersection Dargovských hrdinov