Confirmation of quality of services provided by DOPRAVOPROJEKT, a.s., that is references to service contracts under a contract or framework agreement concluded under the Public Procurement Act, prepared by contracting authorities /ordering entities, are available in the section Register of References within of the Information System of the Public Administration administered by the Public Procurement Office.
Relocation of state road no. 50 in Žiar nad Hronom
Bridge over the canal on the reservoir of the dam Krpeľany – Sučany – Lipovec
Bridge over the River Hron in Tlmače on state road no. 2071
Bridge across the River Laborec in Michalovce on state road III. category Michalovce – Jovsa
Bridge over the Váh River near Lipovec on the state road III. category Vrútky – Kľačany
Bridge over the River Turiec near the village of Príbovce on state road no. 519
Relocation of state road no. 59 (523) in the section Ružomberok – Likavka
Bridge over the River Hornád on state road III. category Kysak – Košice
Bridge over the River Váh in Trenčín on state road no. 61
Bridge over the River Orava near the village of Dlhá nad Oravou on state road no. 523
Bridge over the River Poprad in Veľká Lomnica on state road no. 67
Relocation of state road no. 18 in km 24.4 – 25.4
Bridge over the River Hornád in Krásna nad Hornádom on state road no. 552
Bridge over the River Topľa in Bardejov on state road no. 545
Bridge over the River Váh in Budatín on state road no. 11
Reconstruction of state road no. 523 in the section Korytnica – Liptovská Osada including project documentation of 5 bridges
Adjustments of state road no. 523 near the village Dlhá nad Oravou
Bridge over the River Orava in Nižná on state road no. 523
Relocation of state road no. 61 in the section Trnava – Leopoldov
Bridge over the River Váh in Kraľovany on state road no. 18 relocation